We're excited to announce that Nina Freebird of Vocal Creations Berlin has just published "The Verb Haben - To Have", a new Newbie level German language lesson, on Language Mentor! 

Lesson Script

Das Verb "Haben"
The verb "Haben"

I have two sisters.
Ich habe zwei Schwestern.

I have a guitar.
Ich habe eine Gitarre.

I have luck.
Ich habe Glück.

You have many books.
Du hast viele Bücher.

You have nice parents.
Du hast nette Eltern.

You have one try.
Du hast einen Versuch.

She has a green car.
Sie hat ein grünes Auto.

He has bad luck.
Er hat Pech.

Sam has three friends.
Sam hat drei Freunde.

It has a few advantages.
Es hat einige Vorteile.

We have rice at home.
Wir haben Reis zu Hause.

We have a dog.
Wir haben einen Hund.

We still have coffee.
Wir haben noch Kaffee.

You guys have a good chance.
Ihr habt eine gute Chance.

You guys have a nice house.
Ihr habt ein schönes Haus.

You guys still have four hours.
Ihr habt noch vier Stunden.

They have fish on sale.
Sie haben Fisch im Angebot.

They have enough money.
Sie haben genug Geld.

They have a new cat.
Sie haben eine neue Katze.

It's his birthday today.
Er hat heute Geburtstag.

I am free now.
Ich habe jetzt frei.

You have no brother.
Du hast keinen Bruder.

They have no time.
Sie haben keine Zeit.

She is afraid.
Sie hat Angst.

I am hungry.
Ich habe Hunger.

You are thirsty.

Du hast Durst. 

About Language Mentor

You can study this lesson, and many others, using Language Mentor - an audio-centric app that is designed to be used while your hands and eyes are busy doing other things. You can download it at the Android Play Store and the iPhone App Store.

Creative Commons License

This article and the lesson that it presents are both licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license.